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Sunday, 29 May 2011
The need to make fast cash or for making some money as and when requested is one of the major factors people look for when selling on the internet. A business model which usually is often overlooked is the idea of site flipping which fundamentally means selling your website at a profit. The buying or selling of houses for profit is based on the same concept as this and internet sites are sometimes known as digital real estate. It is a fact that many people move from one idea to another devoid of any success and yet this is certainly a proven strategy that can deliver as long as someone is prepared to make the effort. This is a way you can make repeatable money on the internet and see authentic profits just from selling your websites.

The amount of time you have been online may determine how you become part of site selling. Existing websites you own may have a value that you are completely unaware of. Any website that is generating some kind of revenue could be sold for some quick cash. You might take a website set up with adsense and multiply its yearly revenue by ten to estimate its value. You may begin to see the possibilities with this although the earnings will vary. So the first thing you might want to do is take stock of just what you already have and if perhaps there are some sites you no longer need you could dip your toe in the market place with these.

The second way you can approach this is to create sites yourself with the purpose of selling these either instantly or at sometime in the future. For a newly built internet site without revenue it may be asked if this is in fact worth flipping. The answer is yes it can be sold if it is in the right market with good potential. The point that there is a ready to use site using a platform including wordpress can be enough for people to want to purchase it. Obviously, if you keep the site for just a few months and start to build some revenue your potential earnings will be far greater. If you become familiar with the market and see what kinds of sites are selling you'll be able to enter areas that are popular and give people what they want.

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Finally, a slightly more innovative system to follow is something we are going to consider now. This way of capitalizing revolves around purchasing a site and then selling it for much more. By way of example, sites that do not gather subscribers or that have not made good use of Google adsense might almost instantly be made more profitable. The most well known site for selling websites is Flippa and you ought to take some time to get to know it and spy on what goes on there. If you would like your site flipping to be more profitable, you will be able to appraise what websites are selling for and exactly why.

If you are ready to put some work in, flipping sites for cash is a proven way to earn a living online.

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Posted by ellison699 at 5:32 AM EDT
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